
TUF Repository state

Role Signing starts Expires Signers
root (json) 2025-01-19 2025-02-19 08:04:32 UTC @dlorenc, @mnm678, @santiagotorres, @bobcallaway, @joshuagl (3 of 5 required)
timestamp (json) 2024-12-08 2024-12-12 19:22:03 UTC online key (1 of 1 required)
snapshot (json) 2033-08-31 2034-08-31 13:31:34 UTC online key (1 of 1 required)
targets (json) 2034-07-24 2034-08-24 07:16:33 UTC @dlorenc, @mnm678, @santiagotorres, @bobcallaway, @joshuagl (3 of 5 required) (json) 2025-01-19 2025-02-19 07:59:33 UTC online key (1 of 1 required)

Generated 2024-12-05T19:22+00:00 from root-signing commit d540936 by TUF-on-CI v0.14.0.